Wall of Hope

February 20, 2025

Fran Union Bridge

Stephen Hagerstown

Jennifer Taneytown

Dennis Libertytown

Amber Sharpsburg

Josh Hagerstown

Julie Myersville

Richard Frederick

Rhonda Taweytown

Cynthia Woodbine

Tim Hagerstown

Robin Frederick

Holly Sharpsburg

Ernest Hedgesville

Emma Keedysville

Monica Falmouth

Johnnie Ijamsville

Megan Frederick

Ken Thurmont

Cheryl Fairmond

Jennifer Keymar

Susan Frederick

Douglas Walkersville

Sharon Taneytown

Jennifer Taneytown

Diana Frederick

Cindra Harpers Ferry

Mitch Frederick

Pamela Adamstown

Ralph York Haven

Patricia Martinsburg

Dan Ijamsville

Terry Keddysville

Clara Hagerstown

Zack Frederick

Patricia Union Bridge

Alfred Jefferson

Jeffery Fredrick

Sandra Germantown

Kimberly Mount Airy

Mahdieh Potomac

Nancy Frederick

Haley Upperco

Michael Mount Airy

Sarah Frederick

Wendy Boonboro

James Jamesburg

Patricia Sharpsburg

Rodney Myersville

Ahsley Taneytown

Mildred Boonsboro

Angela Taneytown

Brandy Dillburg

Christine Frederick

Kathy Frederick

Sharnon Hagerstown

Leroy Clarksburg

Casey Damascus

Christie Thurmont

Daryn Westminster

Vickie Boonsboro

Darla Frederick

Crystle New Windsor

Pamela Fairfield

Monasue Thurmont

Margaret Potomac Falls

Robert Germantown

Melissa Inwood

Laura West Minster

Robert Frederick

Howard Littlestown

John and Joyce Frederick

Katrina Martinsburg

Ralph Hampstead

Pamela Frederick

Candace Waynesboro

Marlene Myersville

Brenda Keymar

Breanne  Hagerstown

Robin Terra Alta

Lori West Minster

Madison Stafford

Vanessa Frederick

Jean Fairfield

Sharon Frederick

Richard Hagerstown

Maryellen Germantown

Betty New Market

Bobbie New Market

Monica Frederick

Henry Mount Airy

Wesley Smithburg

Melinda Hagerstown

Donna Martinsburg

Danny Brunswick

Dorothy Middletown

Robert Hagerstown

James Thurmont

Sean Frederick

Linda Skyesville

Rosa Frederick

Larry Keymar

Timothy Knoxville

Julia Ijamsville

Suzanne New Market

Michael Luray

Terry New Oxford

Dorothy Middletown

Carol Middletown

Heidi McConnelsburg

Jill Martinsburg

Amanda Hagerstown

Sue Boonsboro

Skyler Knoxville

Kathleen Sykesville

Lisa Mount Airy

Phil & Mary McAllister Hagerstown

Cheryl Hanvoer

John Jefferson

Diana Vienna

Brian Frederick

David Frederick

Levin Walkersville

Beck Keymar

Brenda Rocky Ridge

Skyler Knoxville

Kathleen Sykesville

Lisa Mount Airy

Phil & Mary McAllister Hagerstown

Cheryl Hanvoer

John Jefferson

Diana Vienna

Brian Frederick

David Frederick

Levin Walkersville

Beck Keymar

Brenda Rocky Ridge

Pamela Adamstown

Ralph Your Haven

Patricia Martinsburg

Dan Ijamsville

Diana Frederick

Dan Ijamsville

Terry Keedysville

Clara Hagerstown

Zack Frederick

Patricia Union Bridge

Alfred Jefferson

Jeffery Frederick

Sandra Germantown

Kimberly Mount Airy

Marilyn Frederick

Kathy Jo Taneytown

Jeffery Hancock

Wanda Clear Spring

Tim Hagerstown

Kim Mount Airy

Branda Boonsboro

Philip Knoxville

Patricia Sharpsburg

Christie Thurmont

February 21, 2025