No baby yet! Yes, i’m still working, yes, my belly is huge and yes, it’s rough!
I know baby gets to decide when she wants to come out and she’s still strengthening her little lungs and putting on weight, but I wouldn’t mind if she was ready to come out….right now!
So, what do you do at 40 weeks pregnant??? WALK, WALK, WALK is probably number 1, coming in at a close second is sleep!
Trying to induce labor is also fun! I have a pregnancy ball that I’ve been bouncing on as much as I can to help make sure she is in position. Also, I am not a huge fan of spicy foods, but I have been trying to eat it as much as possible.
Mary-Jean from Voila! is also amazing and has tea with Red Raspberry Leaf in it, which is supposed to help induce labor (Wild Elderberry), so I have been drinking that, too!
I feel like I’ve tried everything– including eating a super greasy garlic-y white pizza from a local place that has been known to induce labor in women!
The only thing that I haven’t tried is castor oil…i’m a little scared, and not sure if I am brave enough to try it! But, we will see…if she’s not here next week, I may have to think about it!
Any other ideas! Let me know!