I think this is the start of us getting take-out instead of sitting in the restaurant when we feel like eating out!
At 7 months old, Lily is on the move and very curious about everything. So last night, a Monday at 4:00 p.m., while my husband, Lily and I were at a restaurant in Frederick, Lily decided that she wasn’t going to just sit in her seat and be quiet while we were out anymore.
My sweet little girl has always been so easy to take everywhere, especially restaurants! We thought we were super lucky with such a quiet baby.
I guess 7 months is where they really “find their voice.” She was growling, and doing a high pitched yell, that she learned recently from the other kids at daycare. So…I tried giving her a squeeze pack of carrots because I thought maybe she was hungry early, nope. She spit it all back out as us. Orange all over her pretty little dress and the table and our faces. Then, I thought i’d hold her while I ate…terrible idea. I had to push my bowl back a foot away from the edge of the table so she would stop reaching for it. I did not want buffalo sauce all over myself.
So, I decided to put her back into her car seat, which was sitting on a sling up high next to the table. Screaming and growling started again. Out she comes, again. This time Tim holds her so I can eat quickly. She wants down, she wants the fork, and she’s throwing her toy on the floor over and over again.
At that point, I said, let’s just finish what we can, get a box for the rest and go! Thirty- forty minutes total and we’re in and out. Finally taking a breath, once we get in the car and sit down.
Two minutes later…
…she’s asleep and I want to take her out and snuggle her again 😉
<3 Katie Ryan