{Katie’s Baby Blog} Strawberry Picking…and Eating

It’s strawberry season! A lot of farms in our area have been advertising that their strawberry patches are ready, so Lily and I went and had a blast!

Lily LOVES strawberries, she calls them “berries” and begs fro them everyday. My husband also LOVES strawberry anything so I was ready to pick a lot!

We went to Glade Link Farms in Keymar, MD and it was so pleasant. Lily and I had my cousin and her 1 year old daughter with us so we were allowed to pick in the same area.

Lily and her cousin Laney were so cute picking the strawberries and loved carrying around the little bucket, but once Laney figured out she could eat them….the girls went CRAZY! Lily had a cute little pink dress on that quickly turned bright red with strawberry juice; she looked like a chipmunk with her cheeks full of “berries” and her lips and face was covered in red juice. But, it was way too cute, and trying to stop them….yeah right! Those two had so much fun picking and eating them and then they decided its faster to just eat the strawberries right out of the buckets that we picked, so the buckets took a little bit of a hit, too.

It was something fun to do with little toddlers! I was a little nervous that they would be too young and not understand and want to run around instead of pick, but they were all about it!

I can’t wait to go back to pick blueberries and flowers soon!


<3 Katie Ryan