Lily is so excited to be a big sister…I think…I’m not actually sure she really knows what it means yet; but I think she will be when the baby comes!
I ask her all of the time if she’s excited and she says yes! Then she says “baby in your belly?” then she pulls up her shirt and looks at her own belly with a very confused look on her face! It’s so cute… 😉
I’m wondering what she’s going to think once I really start showing and my stomach starts growing. Knowing her, she will be too busy playing My Little Pony’s or with her baby dolls to notice.
This time around is really kicking my butt! Like I said last week, keeping up with a 2 year old while your pregnant is CHALLENGING. I’m still waiting to get that “2nd trimester energy” back (I don’t think it’s coming).
The BEST part of pregnancy this time around…the weeks seem to be flying by. Chasing a 2 year old also helps you to not focus as much on how lonnnnng 9 months can be until you meet baby. I find it going by quick this time and am surprised that I’m already at my next appointment and 4 weeks have gone by.
15 weeks and counting…
<3 Katie Ryan