They happen all the time and in the end, someone is declared the winner, while the other has to ‘pay’ up. They are bets – and often provide good fun in offices across the country.
Co-workers will bet on everything from March Madness to pay-for-play fantasy football. It’s a chance for camarade and good-natured sports wagering.
Trash-talking each other’s favorite teams may seem like harmless workplace fun, but actual betting is illegal.
According to, the Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act of 1992 banned betting on professional and amateur sports in most states.
Penalties can range from fines to felony charges and possible imprisonment, depending on state statutes, the size of the pool and other factors.
That’s why at the WFRE – we like physical labor bets. Like the one Brian Mo had with Dianah Gibson and Katie Ryan. Brian said the Pittsburgh Penguins would beat the Washington Capitals January 11, 2017. They lost! Now Brian has to ‘pay’ up and wash the girls’ cars.
Get your scrubbing arm ready….there is a lot of dirt on salt on their cars:)