“Punxsutawney Phil, Seer of Seers, Sage of Sages, Prognosticator of Prognosticators and Weather Prophet Extraordinary.”
It’s ‘Ground Hog Day’ and Phil will be making his annual prediction this morning at Gobbler’s Knob. Will winter wager on for six more weeks or will we see an early spring? Will Phil see his shadow? The question everyone wants to know.
According to folklore, a groundhog’s behavior can predict the weather. A sunny day allows the groundhog to see his shadow. This sends him running back into his burrow, a sign of six more weeks of winter. A cloudy day could signal an early spring because the groundhog will not see their shadow, keeping the furry creature above ground!
Phil isn’t the only cute rodent forecaster. There are two more in Maryland. Potomac Phil, Washington’s humble and unflinching prognosticator, and Western Maryland Murray in Cumberland.
So which ground hog do we trust?
Since 1887, Punxsutawney Phil predicted six more weeks of winter 102 times, and spring 18 times.
I am hoping for a cloudy day – an early spring!
By: Dianah Gibson