Our area may receive up to 12 inches of heavy – wet snow over the next two days.
Health experts are warning shoveling this snow could be dangerous. Heart attacks become more of a risk during strenuous snow-shoveling because heart rates and blood pressure spike while cold air constricts blood vessels, and the amount of oxygen received by the heart decreases.
To avoid a trip to the emergency room – here are some tips for shoveling in this type of weather :
- If you experience pain of any kind, stop immediately and ask for help
- Choose a snow shovel that is right for you! Be sure that your shovel has a curved handle, with an appropriate length handle. A plastic shovel blade will generally be lighter than a metal one. That will put less strain on your spine.
- Push the snow, do not lift it. Pushing puts less strain on the spine than lifting.
- Be sure your muscles are warm before you start shoveling. Cold, tight muscles are more likely to sprain or strain than warm, relaxed muscles.
- Never throw snow over your shoulder.
-Dianah Gibson