Almost 9 months old and we are finally crawling!! (check out the video at the bottom)
Lily was trying and trying and rolling around her room and scooting everywhere, but it wasn’t until Wednesday night when my husband and I were sitting on the floor in her room, when she finally crawled!
We put her favorite singing cow toy in front of her and off she went! It’s so exciting when your baby reaches a new milestone. She also started dancing that same night…again, to the songs that her singing cow toy was playing. SO CUTE.
You also quickly realize how fast you need to baby proof everything! She has already pulled out the glade wall plug-ins that we have and then went right to stick her finger in the electrical outlet. So, outlet covers are now in everywhere! We already have all the cabinets on lock-down and just need to re-rout some cords that are hanging down, because of course she is going to go straight for them when she gets the chance.
In other news, Lily still has no teeth yet! So, i’m trying to introduce more soft foods that she can eat without them being too pureed, so she gets used to textures. Lots of veggies, she’s really not a fan of chicken or any kind of meat…working on that! Any ideas of very soft foods that you have..throw them my way!
<3 Katie Ryan