Meet Doc
Meet Archie!!! Our Jay Day and The Day Home Team, LLC Pet of the Week!! He is a 1-2 year old Pomeranian. He is so sweet. Call Frederick County Animal Control to make him a part of your family 30-600-1546
Meet Mello the Jay Day and The Day Home Team, LLC Pet of the Week!!! Mello is sweet and is full of energy!! He is a 3-year pit bull mix. He gives kisses!! To make him a part of your forever home call Frederick County Animal Control 301-600-1546
Ares is our Jay Day and The Day Home Team, LLC Pet of the Week! This sweet boy is a 2 year old Pitbull/Terrier mix looking for his forever home. Call Frederick County Animal Control for an appointment to see him, 301-600-1546.
This is Mello. He is a 2 year old male, Pit Bull Terrier Mix. Mello was relinquished to the shelter because a landlord said he could no longer stay. If you would like to make Mello a part of your family call 301-600-1546.
Sweet Winnie is 7 years old and is a German Shepherd mix. To make her a part of your forever home call Animal Control 301-600-1546.